Saturday, January 11, 2014

Random Thoughts

I have never really kept a blog for personal purposes, but I figured this would be an amazing way to keep my friends and family in the loop while documenting the greatest experience of my life. Excuse my poor writing, I will try to put my feelings into words as best as I can..

It’s crazy to think that in 2 weeks, I will be on a 13+ hour flight taking me to my new home for the next four months. There’s plenty to be left behind, but so much more to gain.  I’ve only been to Rome once, but that was when I was much younger and couldn’t really appreciate everything that it had to offer. Now at the age of 20 studying Broadcast and Cinematic Arts, I am back at it with my camera ready to discover a whole new way of living.
One thing that has really been worrying me is the idea of packing. Let’s be real, a girl has one MAYBE two luggage to pack four months worth of everything needed to live on a day to day basis. To my understanding, Europe may or may not have the essentials that I use everyday such as a certain type of soap or type of food. Knowing this bit of information, where is it safe to draw the line? Is what I think I need really that important?

Along with the tedious process of packing the REAL worry is the fact that I have absolutely NO idea who I will be living with. It’s one thing to be in a completely different country at a completely different school, but the fact that I still have no idea who I am living with scares me the most. Doesn’t admissions know that people like to Facebook stalk the people they will be spending the most time with!? I was however lucky because I know of one other person from Central Michigan University who will be studying with the at The American University of Rome!

Although there are many things to be worried about, I couldn’t be more excited for these next two weeks to fly by! There’s so much to do in so little time, that’s for sure!